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  • Comments on Profile Post by Sound

    1. ChloyyBear
      You sound biased. LOL
      Jul 30, 2015
    2. Sound
      Say what you like but it's true.
      Jul 30, 2015
    3. elrak
      yeah i hack and ddos all the time lad
      Jul 30, 2015
    4. ChloyyBear
      Hitler was also biased about people. You have so much in common with him. Heil Hitler!
      Jul 30, 2015
    5. Sound
      You threatened me I still have a ss you took smashers acc and should be perma banned. Chloyy you are a previous mod what happened to you I actually used to skype to you with Jalal there is no reason to be rude like this and what does hitler even have to do with this?
      Jul 30, 2015
    6. elrak
      You and Hitler are so alike! Are you twins?
      Jul 30, 2015
    7. Sound
      You still haven't matured there is not point in talking to someone who can not be reasoned with Pile even knows this.
      Jul 30, 2015
    8. elrak
      Pile talks to me and tells me not to do all the time!??! ????????????????
      Jul 30, 2015
    9. ChloyyBear
      There is no point in talking to an illiterate fool. Even Hitler knows this.
      Jul 30, 2015
    10. Ninja
      Is it possible to dislike a comment on someone's profile?
      Jul 30, 2015