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  • Comments on Profile Post by Ponyknight99

    1. Discdog1000
      Jul 29, 2015
    2. Ponyknight99
      Say there could ever be a Pokèmon that can have more than two types.
      Could there by any type that would be super effective against a Pokèmon typed as follows: Steel, Flying, Fighting, Fire.
      Jul 29, 2015
    3. Ohmic
      Yea there is a pokemon called Gliscor. Gliscor is a Flying/Ground type pokemon which can learn Ground, Flying, and Rock type moves
      Jul 29, 2015
    4. Ponyknight99
      Ground has no effect on flying though, and isn't flying not very effective against Steel?
      Jul 29, 2015
    5. Ohmic
      He can learn rock type moves, and ground is super effective against steel.

      btw what version are you playing if you are happening to be playing one?
      Jul 29, 2015
    6. Ponyknight99
      Black 2
      Jul 29, 2015
    7. Ponyknight99
      Btw. Pretty sure fighting is super effective against rock
      Jul 29, 2015
    8. Ohmic
      Jul 29, 2015
    9. Ohmic
      He's a Flying/Ground type
      Jul 29, 2015
    10. Ohmic
      I gave you his pre-evolution.
      Jul 29, 2015
    11. Ponyknight99
      You said he can learn rock moves though and I actually got a Gliscor one or two days ago
      Jul 29, 2015
    12. funmakers
      omg you noobs
      Jul 31, 2015
    13. Ponyknight99
      I'm not a noob when it comes to Pokèmon, I simply asked a question about an imaginary Pokèmon that had 4 types
      Jul 31, 2015
    14. funmakers
      Obviously you are a major noob if you don't even know how the types work.
      Jul 31, 2015