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  • Comments on Profile Post by Lola Perez

    1. Cristopher Fennessee
      Cristopher Fennessee
      Add me even though i dont knows you :)
      May 18, 2014
    2. Lola Perez
      Lola Perez
      Uh I'll try I need to take a screenshot with you first.
      May 18, 2014
    3. Cristopher Fennessee
      Cristopher Fennessee
      Tell me whne and ill come to the lobby
      May 18, 2014
    4. Cristopher Fennessee
      Cristopher Fennessee
      /warp oldspawn in the lobby
      May 18, 2014
    5. Lola Perez
      Lola Perez
      I can't go today I am sick
      May 18, 2014
    6. Cristopher Fennessee
      Cristopher Fennessee
      OK why does that stop you from getting on mc that is a sign to play video games
      May 18, 2014
    7. trile63
      you gonna add me? :3
      May 18, 2014
    8. Lola Perez
      Lola Perez
      Sure trile! :D
      May 19, 2014
    9. Grayson
      Pffft... You are going to add me...? ;.;
      May 20, 2014
    10. Lola Perez
      Lola Perez
      Sure! I just need to see you guys online so I can take a screenshot with ya :3.
      May 20, 2014
    11. Grayson
      :o I saw you online like, an hour ago. I think it was Prison.
      May 20, 2014
    12. Lola Perez
      Lola Perez
      Yeh I was there but I left because I feel really bad. I am sick and I can't breath very well I need therapy and some medicine :(
      May 20, 2014
    13. Grayson
      ...LOLA! FEEL BETTER! I can't have you sick ;.;
      May 20, 2014
    14. Lola Perez
      Lola Perez
      I will try and btw everyday I am feeling a little bit better but yeah and my voice is gone O_O I can't talk
      May 20, 2014
    15. Grayson
      ;.; Sorry. Wish I could help <3
      May 20, 2014
    16. Lola Perez
      Lola Perez
      Its allright :) I will feel better <3
      May 20, 2014
    17. Grayson
      Good. We need a healthy Lola <3
      May 20, 2014
    18. Lola Perez
      Lola Perez
      :D <3
      May 20, 2014
    19. NitroPixel
      So that is why you took that screenshot. :)
      May 23, 2014
    20. Lola Perez
      Lola Perez
      Yep <3
      May 23, 2014