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  • Comments on Profile Post by Grayson

    1. BlueberryWaffle
      No one is sad .___.
      If anything, we are happy.
      May 18, 2014
    2. Grayson
      Good, I have seen too many depressed people this week. My goal right now is to actually make this place a happy one.
      May 18, 2014
    3. diamant2222
      grayson i support you. if needed ask me for help :D
      May 18, 2014
    4. Ichidna
      Everyone's crying!!!!!!!!!
      Cyp and jarroy r gone
      May 20, 2014
    5. BlueberryWaffle
      Cyp isn't technically gone (I still see him on the forums all the time). And I am also reasonably sure that Katy Hudson is jarroy, but who knows.
      May 20, 2014