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  • Comments on Profile Post by ZeldaNinja

    1. Ares_Xena
      Former God rank.
      Jul 25, 2015
    2. Tsunderes
      Jul 25, 2015
    3. ZeldaNinja
      Lol wot?
      Jul 25, 2015
    4. elrak
      It's disappointing that moderators don't know this.
      Jul 25, 2015
    5. Quad
      OMG I MISS JAPOK. I haven't seen him in like a year and a half >.>
      Jul 26, 2015
    6. Flazer
      Situation seams fake, Zelda did you take that or did you find it?
      Jul 26, 2015
    7. ZeldaNinja
      I took it, everyone was wondering who he was...
      Jul 26, 2015
    8. Flazer
      Did he claim of having Administrator permissions?
      Jul 26, 2015
    9. Flazer
      Whoever he is, an Admin wouldn't be saying what he said.
      Jul 26, 2015
    10. ZeldaNinja
      I don't think so, I might have been a really old donor rank, I've seen it on other servers...
      Jul 26, 2015
    11. Quad
      Around October 15th 2013 the most donor ranks were changed. Admin is the current God rank. That person, is my boo japok ;p
      Jul 26, 2015
    12. Flazer
      That's a terrible bought rank name.
      Jul 26, 2015
    13. Quad
      Not sure if this is true, but I believe it was changed because there was a lot of confusion.
      Jul 26, 2015
    14. Flazer
      Most likely.
      Jul 26, 2015
    15. elrak
      Actually, it's a genius way to make money. Earlier in the server, ranks were put up to make money, they still are but lesser focused on. Think about it, all 10 years want is to be mod/admin, if you give them the title 'Admin' for a hefty price then of course they'll pay that $100 for it.
      Jul 27, 2015
    16. Quad
      Well at the time, most of the admin donors weren't young at all. 90% of them were 15+
      Jul 27, 2015