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  • Comments on Profile Post by Ohmic

    1. Scorv
      Omg im sorry about that. Im on my tablet right now and I scroll with my right thumb, which is on the rating side. Ill undo. Its was an accident, it was never suppose to happen. Sorry :(
      Jul 24, 2015
    2. Scorv
      Please forgive me
      Jul 24, 2015
    3. Ohmic
      oh, I thought you were one of those people who would rate any post some random rating and I overlooked my post for any spelling errors. my bad, yea you're forgiven. :)
      sorry for what happen :p
      Jul 24, 2015
    4. Scorv
      :) its ok, I dont blame you. If you wouldnt have pointed it out, I would t have noticed it. So its good that you did
      Jul 24, 2015
    5. Ohmic
      all right :)
      Jul 24, 2015