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  • Comments on Profile Post by Bife

    1. Nightfire
      Not sure. None of mods have mod in GTA. We need to wait I guess. What do you need help with ?
      Jul 22, 2015
    2. Bife
      I need someone to to me to spawn.. I spamed the jumper for some reason and got To y;200 and got kicked to lobby, now when ever I log in I get instantly tped to lobby
      Jul 22, 2015
    3. Bife
      It's just /tpohere Bife... That I need
      Jul 22, 2015
    4. Nightfire
      I would help but I don't have perms yet.
      Jul 22, 2015
    5. Bife
      I was told the same thing, and I'm going to da the same thing to you, could you get an admin or someone to help?
      Jul 22, 2015
    6. Nightfire
      I'll try. I don't know how long it will take.
      Jul 22, 2015
    7. Bife
      Thanks.. Tell them to contact me
      Jul 22, 2015