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  • Comments on Profile Post by ZeldaNinja

    1. Arvedi
      You don't automatically un-use it when you log off?
      Jul 21, 2015
    2. Herf
      Thats should work thats what i do when i wanna take off a texture pack unless you actualy downloaded it to your computer then you have to go take it off then put your normal one back
      Jul 21, 2015
    3. ZeldaNinja
      No but the GTA texture pack, in this case, is a "download everytime you log on" one, so I restart my minecraft the texture pack is gone, and once I rejoin GTA it downloads it again
      Jul 22, 2015
    4. Herf
      Yes it auto downloads since you accepted the 1st time every time you join it will insta download / put the texture pack on
      Jul 22, 2015