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  • Comments on Profile Post by mrethanman archerhead

    1. PayUp
      Calm down oml.
      Jul 16, 2015
    2. mrethanman archerhead
      mrethanman archerhead
      its hard dude!!
      Jul 16, 2015
    3. mrethanman archerhead
      mrethanman archerhead
      I have ADHD
      Jul 16, 2015
    4. PayUp
      I was banned for a while too, be patient and calm down. Go play a game other than minecraft or go hangout with friends to make the time past, just calm down and be PATIENT.
      Jul 16, 2015
    5. mrethanman archerhead
      mrethanman archerhead
      also can u add me to you're profile I wanna see itt
      Jul 16, 2015
    6. mrethanman archerhead
      mrethanman archerhead
      Wario Im at freaken sleep away camp my cabin is in bed NO 1 to talk to except the camp leader. plus the wifi connection here is bad! my ms for mineverse is like 350 I guess these tress aren't helping XD
      Jul 16, 2015
    7. PayUp
      My ms usually is 160-4000 so why are you mad about that?
      Jul 16, 2015
    8. SlimeyPineapple
      1. ADHD has nothing to do with your ban.
      2. You're seriously impatient.
      3. Go get a life go outside go climb a tree or something instead of trying to play minecraft at camp.
      Jul 20, 2015