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  • Comments on Profile Post by Sound

    1. Scorv
      Yeah, I agree. The community integrity is falling, and there is a lot less respect for people. And yes, I agree as well. They must learn that they need to put more effort into their apps if they even want a chance. CypriotMerks doesn't want a mod who is too lazy to put any afford into their job
      Jul 8, 2015
    2. Sound
      I criticised Ponyknights application and the holy goon squad comes and I have to deal with all of them.
      Jul 8, 2015
    3. Scorv
      Yeah its annoying when that happens. I sometimes start to wonder if it is people's alts that they made ahead of time for their app. Like for extra support
      Jul 8, 2015
    4. Sound
      Lol I kinda was thinking that aswell.
      Jul 8, 2015
    5. MissUnknown
      Right, standing up for myself. I believe all I did was give you a bad rating because I disagreed with you. And I'm guessing this is what your post on my wall is about.. So sorry to have clearly upset you but I don't like how harsh you came across.. And the post was unnecessary and immature too. All you had to do was bloomin' pm me.. (sorry Scorvix for the rant)
      Jul 10, 2015