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  • Comments on Profile Post by ScienceTrackz

    1. djryan
      Actually, I removed it. You will drop it, as the decision has been made, or you will be disciplined.
      Jul 6, 2015
    2. GizzBots
      Para, are you allowed to deal with staff reports? I'm pretty sure that's left to the head mod to lock n tag, and Cyp to deal with IF sufficient evidence is supplied.
      Jul 6, 2015
    3. ScienceTrackz
      Thank you gizzbots
      Jul 6, 2015
    4. djryan
      Excuse you, Cypriot delt with it and gave a final decision.
      Jul 6, 2015
    5. ScienceTrackz
      Paradox im gonna report you your not a helpful moderator you ignore me removed my comment 2 times anf told me to stop write on your profile
      Jul 6, 2015
    6. djryan
      Well, you do that.
      Jul 6, 2015
    7. Feurin
      This should be... amusing.
      Jul 8, 2015