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  • Comments on Profile Post by Diggy

    1. SSMH
      Jul 6, 2015
    2. SSMH
      *facepalm', just saw that he was going to be inactive only starting from July 15th, ignore my earlier post. :P
      Jul 6, 2015
    3. PiLe
      He's a horrible moderator who doesn't want to help players. That's my opinion. I call him out and he swears he will change only to do the same thing again.
      He likes that shiny mod tag.
      When he is gone he will be remembered as the cocky mod who was rude to members and deleted their requests for help instead of helping them.
      Jul 6, 2015
    4. PayUp
      Jul 6, 2015
    5. djryan
      Oh pile, you never seem to understand. And diggy, thats my personal preference.
      Jul 7, 2015
    6. Diggy
      Ok. Just wondering why a Mod would do that.
      Jul 7, 2015
    7. djryan
      I personally dont like an open page, if you would like to contact me just open a pm. But of course if you would like to shar. Piles mindset of thibgs you can always ask any one of our dedicated mods.
      Jul 7, 2015
    8. Diggy
      Ok thank you for the explanation.
      I like to listen to piles opinion on everything so I think I'll keep doing that.
      Jul 7, 2015
    9. PopIs_MyLife
      You should have your own opinions.
      Jul 10, 2015