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  • Comments on Profile Post by ScienceTrackz

    1. PiLe
      He's supposed to be helping members. If he is refusing to help you please gather evidence and report him. His position is to direct and help EVERY member regardless.
      Jul 2, 2015
    2. ScienceTrackz
      I have evidence when I refresh his profile my comment is removed, 2 times ! For what reason do I have to report him
      Jul 2, 2015
    3. PiLe
      You asked him for help with a post on his wall and he deleted it?
      Jul 2, 2015
    4. ScienceTrackz
      He closed my report on a staff I told him to re open it 3 times, he removed it 3 times on my video you see him removing it 2 times, and he said on my profile stop writing
      Jul 2, 2015
    5. PiLe
      I can't view your profile because you are not following me. Was the report resolved?
      Jul 2, 2015
    6. ScienceTrackz
      Pm I show you it and I tell you the story
      Jul 2, 2015
    7. Agent
      The report was locked and pending, the profile posts were unnecessary.
      Jul 2, 2015
    8. PiLe
      You have to start a convo with me. You have it set so that I can not message you.
      Jul 2, 2015
    9. PiLe
      The report is still active, just locked?
      Jul 2, 2015
    10. ScienceTrackz
      Agentwifi I told him to open it because I wanted to post something on it
      Jul 2, 2015