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  • Comments on Profile Post by gabby

    1. Kyaaaal
      Hey Gabrielle! ♥
      Jun 29, 2015
    2. gabby
      yeah just felt like throwin some love atcha ♥
      Jun 29, 2015
    3. Kyaaaal
      The love was caught and much appreciated ♥
      Jun 29, 2015
    4. gabby
      huehue how are you? ♥
      Jun 29, 2015
    5. Kyaaaal
      I'm doing pretty good thanks :)
      Are you doing well?
      Jun 29, 2015
    6. gabby
      yee today is sunny which makes me freakin happy
      Jun 29, 2015
    7. Kyaaaal
      Well, over in Scotland isn't actually supposed to get sunny and hit 30 degrees celcius, which is basically insane and never heard of in these parts. Good that you are happy though :)
      Jun 29, 2015
    8. gabby
      hehe come to murica we got sunshine

      also my knee is becoming unsprained *happiness*
      Jun 29, 2015
    9. Kyaaaal
      I'm planning on going out to America some time when I'm older, visit the usual places people do. Hollywood, New York City, maybe travel along Route 66, stuff like that.

      Never knew you sprained your knee :(
      Jun 29, 2015
    10. gabby
      lol come to Lake Ontario
      It has swings next to the water
      Jun 29, 2015
    11. Kyaaaal
      I may just have to do that. Swing into the water, sounds fun :)
      Jun 29, 2015
    12. gabby
      they dont actually swing into the water ;-; but you can look at it
      and there's niagara falls, from the canadian side
      Jun 29, 2015
    13. Kyaaaal
      I wouldn't mind a visit to Niagara Falls. Might have to plan this later on though, Las Vegas seems like a fun place too, if you are of age.
      Jun 29, 2015