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  • Comments on Profile Post by iGlitcher

    1. Grayson
      Hopefully you will.
      May 13, 2014
    2. iGlitcher
      i know, I feel out placed ): XD.
      May 14, 2014
    3. jarroy
      Correction. I WILL...
      May 14, 2014
    4. iGlitcher
      Jarroy, I wanna get promoted when you do, don know why.
      May 18, 2014
    5. Grayson
      When are next promotions?
      May 18, 2014
    6. iGlitcher
      Not sure, I think Cyp promotes every month or 2
      May 18, 2014
    7. Katy Hudson
      Katy Hudson
      2nd and/or 3rd weeks of July. Just to Confirm that. ;)
      May 19, 2014
    8. Grayson
      ...May I ask how you received this info?
      May 19, 2014
    9. Katy Hudson
      Katy Hudson
      It's kind of obvious. In march, pokemaniac01, Mineterria, and MrParkourGuy were all promoted during the 2nd Week of March. Rachet, doesn't count, he was just Dirty_Ninja's replacement for the time being. In May, You, BluberryWaffle and Glaad were promoted in between 2nd and 3rd week right?

      That's my hypothesis. It could easily change, but that just seems like the Pattern
      May 19, 2014
    10. Grayson
      ...Well, you think things through. Although, assuming this could be a mistake. Oh well.
      May 19, 2014
    11. Katy Hudson
      Katy Hudson
      In January, Pile_of_Butts was promoted end of 2nd week of January right?
      May 19, 2014
    12. Grayson
      I don't recall any of these times. Sorry.
      May 19, 2014
    13. Katy Hudson
      Katy Hudson
      Noobie Much? :P March 10 you registered and you're already a Moderator. I'm impressed.
      May 19, 2014
    14. Grayson
      xD Tried so hard. Luckily me and some friends received the position. They do a really great job.
      May 19, 2014
    15. Katy Hudson
      Katy Hudson
      I was reviewing your applications. You have been Owner on your own server. Do you still have it up and running or not?
      May 19, 2014
    16. Grayson
      Long story. We need a campfire if we are going to go into this.
      May 19, 2014
    17. Katy Hudson
      Katy Hudson
      Inbox me when you can. :)
      May 19, 2014