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  • Comments on Profile Post by Scorv

    1. Coastic
      Some people may have gotten divorced and re-married within the same year so that could make it uneven
      Jun 26, 2015
    2. Scorv
      Woah! You're smart :P
      Jun 26, 2015
    3. Scorv
      Jun 26, 2015
    4. Sound
      Or a 3 way.
      Jun 26, 2015
    5. Coastic
      Jun 26, 2015
    6. Scorv
      I don't know of any religion that allows 3 way marriages. I also doubt any government would allow it, and any acts to have a 3 way marriage become official would be shut down and would not be put into these statistics.

      Sorry to get technical with you guys
      Jun 26, 2015
    7. Coastic
      It's probably the thing I said about getting married, divorcing, and re-married within the same year. That would equal two marriages per one person which would lead to an uneven number eventually. :p
      Jun 26, 2015
    8. Scorv
      Although the chance of that being the reason why is is an odd number is 50/50 as there could be 2 sets of people that do that. Which would equal 6 marriages. And 50/50 is a difficult chance to make predictions on
      Jun 26, 2015
    9. Coastic
      Two people get married. They divorce, and one out of the two get remarried within the same year, but the other stays single. That equals 3 marriages within those to individuals. :P
      Jun 26, 2015
    10. Coastic
      two* lmao
      Jun 26, 2015
    11. Scorv
      But if that also happens to another person it evens it out, thus changing it from an odd number of people to an even number of people. And since there is only 2 ways for this to go, it is a 50/50 chance
      Jun 26, 2015
    12. Coastic
      Psh it obviously happened bc there's an odd number
      Jun 26, 2015
    13. Scorv
      But there could be another reason why it is an odd number
      Jun 26, 2015
    14. 196
      Polygamy is legal and practiced in a lot of northern African countries. If that's a global statistic it's probably due to census from those areas.
      Jun 27, 2015
    15. Scorv
      Interesting *strokes beard*
      Jun 27, 2015