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  • Comments on Profile Post by GizzBots

    1. Bantz
      wot happened
      Jun 23, 2015
    2. GizzBots
      They all hate me because I posted a thread trading for mc gift codes(which is allowed here), and their rules aren't specific enough. I've been informed politely by Terrick as to why it's not allowed now, but nevertheless the people there.. Oml lol
      Jun 23, 2015
    3. Realizinq
      And as I said what "skyblockers" do :P
      Jun 24, 2015
    4. GizzBots
      Jun 24, 2015
    5. elrak
      Incomposed should get demoted, it's actually disgusting to see a staff member acting like that.
      Jun 24, 2015
    6. GizzBots
      He handled an appeal which he shouldn't have also.
      Jun 24, 2015
    7. elrak
      You done with that staff report yet? ;)
      Jun 24, 2015
    8. GizzBots
      I'm still contemplating on whether to make one... I'm not exactly sure of the rules.
      Jun 24, 2015
    9. elrak
      Well I was looking through the thread and he rated the post 'GizzFromMV is an idiot' agree which is actually quite sad itself. I'm sure you could find quite a lot of evidence which could lead to his demotion if a moderator can get demoted for saying pathetic then a moderator can get demoted for calling a player an idiot.
      Jun 24, 2015
    10. GizzBots
      It said JizzFromMV actually xD. I think he's just made, he got upset because I didn't expect him to get mod, ahahah
      Jun 24, 2015
    11. elrak
      Now I understand what Tube really meant, people like him and I shouldn't be moderators for our past actions.
      Jun 24, 2015
    12. GizzBots
      Hey, people do change. I just think some need to be given that chance.. You weren't that bad, in fact you dealt with a lot of hate which I'm surprised about.
      Jun 24, 2015
    13. elrak
      Even if I didn't abuse I would of been demoted for something else later on.

      Back to topic, Incomposed really either needs to suit up or get out.
      Jun 24, 2015
    14. GizzBots
      I think he's a bit power hungry. You should've seen what he put on my app :P most of it got deleted though
      Jun 24, 2015
    15. elrak
      I saw it, it's honestly just sad.
      Jun 24, 2015
    16. Realizinq
      Link me to the GizzFromMV is an idiot thread please?
      Jun 24, 2015
    17. elrak
    18. Realizinq
    19. NewsFeed
      OMg what a hacker
      Jun 24, 2015
    20. GizzBots
      You're allowed to use certain hacks on there. :P
      Jun 24, 2015
    21. Realizinq
      Fastplace shouldn't be allowed tho
      Jun 24, 2015
    22. GizzBots
      I think you're allowed to use anything that isn't in the donor perks(within reason) but I really am not sure.
      Jun 25, 2015
    23. Realizinq
      But I think a moderator using a hacked client is just wrong.
      Jun 25, 2015
    24. Jolie
      Things are different on net ;p
      Jun 25, 2015