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  • Comments on Profile Post by Ponyknight99

    1. canucksfan44
      Jun 23, 2015
    2. Ponyknight99
      i have pics of Lukki shooting at (and hitting) people in spawn with a bow, but he was sniping from the high walls, not shift walking to the edge, so he was still technivally in spawn... i'm not entirely sure whether to report or not...
      Jun 23, 2015
    3. canucksfan44
      Worth a try. Or you can use that evidence to report to bugs and exploits and get it fixed.
      Jun 23, 2015
    4. Ponyknight99
      i may do both :P
      Jun 23, 2015
    5. canucksfan44
      Jun 23, 2015
    6. Ponyknight99
      posted the report
      Jun 23, 2015
    7. canucksfan44
      K. I will handle it when I get back from school if not already handled.
      Jun 23, 2015
    8. Ponyknight99
      ok then
      Jun 23, 2015