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  • Comments on Profile Post by Kurumi__Tokisaki

    1. Kurumi__Tokisaki
      Central Time US&Canada i weak up at 9:00am latest. oh and sorry for not being on much i just be busy but starting tomorrow i well try and post anime content everyday .
      Jun 21, 2015
    2. RachetSenpai
      You're too kind. c:

      I'll see, I might be busy tomorrow, but I'll let you know. ^ ^
      Jun 21, 2015
    3. Kurumi__Tokisaki
      Okay ^_^ and there no such thing as a to nice/kind of a person.
      Jun 21, 2015
    4. RachetSenpai
      I guess you're right. :3

      You're a really nice person, honestly.
      Jun 21, 2015