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  • Comments on Profile Post by PiLe

    1. FearlessCandy
      Not necessarily true
      Jun 18, 2015
    2. PiLe
      I didn't realize you were a parent. How many children have you procreated?
      Jun 18, 2015
    3. FearlessCandy
      No, as an offspring myself, I know this isn't always true. Sometimes kids take advantage of their parent's trust.
      Jun 18, 2015
    4. PiLe
      Some parents don't raise their children to respect themselves. I find that the more respect I show my son, the more he shows me. This is also true for the amount responsibility I put on him. The more he assumes. Children are amazing creatures.
      Jun 18, 2015
    5. FearlessCandy
      Ok, well good job on being a good mom, I know I don't make parenting easy for my mom. But maybe that's just because I'm a teenager
      Jun 18, 2015
    6. PiLe
      My son is a teenager as well <3
      Be nice to your mother. She devotes her life to you.
      Jun 18, 2015
    7. FearlessCandy
      Yes'm. I know
      Jun 18, 2015
    8. elrak
      Guess I'm untrusted. ;)
      Jun 19, 2015
    9. PiLe