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  • Comments on Profile Post by CrafTheUnicorn

    1. Grayson
      Thank you! <3
      May 13, 2014
    2. CrafTheUnicorn
      May 13, 2014
    3. CrafTheUnicorn
      Grayson, you deserved moderator this whole time. If you thought you didn't deserve it, think again. Ever since I first went onto Mineverse, you greeted me. Because you're that kind to greet every single new person that comes online. Also, you're just friendly. Even if I don't have any bright colored rank, you're not afraid to talk to me; which I absolutely appreciate.
      May 13, 2014
    4. CrafTheUnicorn
      Additionally, you're just a great great great and amazing friend. You have this colorful personality. When hate comes your way, you're like "I don't care.. I love it" (Lol) YOU make friends with EVERYONE. Omg, like everyone loves you. Even so, why WOULDN'T they? You're just the best, best, best. You give free stuff. You invite us to factions. You just are the most nice person.
      May 13, 2014
    5. CrafTheUnicorn
      It's a good thing you got moderator. You're definitely one I can trust <3
      May 13, 2014
    6. Grayson
      Thank you so much. I really appreciate you telling me this. Just because I got Mod, don't think I am going to stop talking to the people I can.
      May 13, 2014