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  • Comments on Profile Post by changeh

    1. changeh
      I wanted to go :(! I asked if I could go next year but my dad is scared I'll get kidnapped or even worse things that'll happen to me, but geez. I don't have to camp there. XD
      Jun 17, 2015
    2. Kyaaaal
      Download was amazing, you should go next year. Depending on what bands are there, of course. Nothing bad will happen to you. Camping is easiest option, but it can get really cold, so have a cuddle buddy ;)
      In all honestly though, it's well worth it and you should try and persuade your dad you let you go.
      Jun 17, 2015
    3. changeh
      Awesome! Which was your favourite? Muse? Slipknot? I heard they were favourited at my school. Also, I don't think you need to camp if you live close by. (I'm not sure on that). I'll try to persuade my dad. Thanks!!
      Jun 20, 2015
    4. Kyaaaal
      If you live close by, probably not worth camping. My personal favourite this year was Muse, followed my Slipknot. Seen Slipknot twice now though. Still...mosh pits with Slipknot are really fun.

      Also, seen your new pink hair :)
      Jun 20, 2015
    5. changeh
      You stalking me
      Jun 20, 2015
    6. changeh
      XD it was just sprayed on. I had to wash it out later on :'(. I've got red and white left over cx. What am I going to do with white.. Look like an old lady? XD
      Jun 20, 2015
    7. Kyaaaal
      White can turn out to look nice, really depends on what you like though. Pink is hawt doe ;)
      Jun 20, 2015
    8. changeh
      Haha yeah ;) thanks
      Jun 21, 2015
    9. Kyaaaal
      You not been on Skype recently :(
      Jun 21, 2015
    10. changeh
      Yeah I've deleted it on my phone and I can't be bothered to go on my laptop sorry
      Jun 24, 2015
    11. Kyaaaal
      That's fine :)
      Could have joined some calls doe :P
      Jun 24, 2015
    12. changeh
      Ah haha xD I've been playing some gta5 recently
      Jun 24, 2015
    13. Kyaaaal
      Gta on what? O.o
      Jun 24, 2015
    14. changeh
      Jun 24, 2015
    15. Kyaaaal
      Xbox 360?
      Jun 24, 2015
    16. changeh
      Jun 25, 2015