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  • Comments on Profile Post by PiLe

    1. ohMatriix
      I know someone with a lot of evidence towards abusive moderators. I will be getting hold of it and maybe we can get some more active, kind and helpful moderators like you were.
      Jun 14, 2015
    2. KingAlex
      I usually don't hate on staff, but he's done a few wrongful bans. He can be rude to players too.
      Jun 14, 2015
    3. Diggy
      Same as Alex I hate to be rude to staff but I agree with you Pile.
      Jun 14, 2015
    4. djryan
      Can I have some constrictive criticism to improve?
      Jun 15, 2015
    5. PiLe
      Try responding to users on forums in more of a helping and friendly manor instead of being cocky. By that I mean give more than one word responses and take the time to thank people for their reports with an actual "Thank you for the report" instead of "Thanks. Banned". Show them that it is them that you work for. Every one of them. Even the most annoying ones.
      Jun 15, 2015
    6. PiLe
      Mods are the same as regular players. They just have more commands. There is no reason that you could ever give that would make it acceptable for you to make another player feel spoken down to. They are the reason you are even in your position. They are the ones paying to keep this server alive. Crew and Cyp run this server, but there would be no server if it wasn't for the players... even the most annoying ones.
      Jun 15, 2015
    7. djryan
      Alright, I'll try to improve in these areas.
      Jun 15, 2015
    8. PiLe
      I'm impressed that you asked Dj. Thank you.
      Jun 15, 2015
    9. PiLe
      Jun 16, 2015
    10. PopIs_MyLife
      Jun 16, 2015
    11. Diggy
      He came online to Unfection the other day.
      He was a Mod and I was originally happy then realized that he wasn't doing anything and I was answering most of the questions and telling people to follow the rules.
      Jun 16, 2015