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  • Comments on Profile Post by ReignOfire

    1. ohMatriix
      Jun 7, 2015
    2. ReignOfire
      Hi Neo, How are you? :D And thanks! That was kind of you. I'm trying to get this situation straightened out. Someone in real authority needs to be running this server.
      Jun 7, 2015
    3. ohMatriix
      I have closed mine so now it's up to you. If Noob or Cyp sees what you have posted, they are both very helpful and will get it resolved. They are both fairly inactive though as they have 4 servers :/ Good luck on unban :)
      Jun 7, 2015
    4. ReignOfire
      THis ban is absolutely ridiculous, as They are banning me ove a pickaxe. Yet, I have proof in gzfiles, but incrypted. If I can open the files, I can show I fixed the pickaxe. This is so stupid. lol
      Jun 7, 2015
    5. ReignOfire
      It's actually insane! how many people wer unabanned for hacking? Like really fast? Yet I have been banned for a pickaxe? What???? It's insane!
      Jun 7, 2015
    6. ReignOfire
      By the way I am innocent of this accusation. How have you been? Hope all is well with you and yours. :D
      Jun 7, 2015
    7. ohMatriix
      I have been fine, just been banned for "Hacking" on Factions.. not sure what the evidence is yet. How have you been?
      Jun 7, 2015
    8. ReignOfire
      Really? This server is ridiculous! lmao! I've been good, actually I have had a tragedy in my life, but... Other than that, I'm well. Thank you for asking. :) Banned for hacking? You?
      Jun 7, 2015
    9. ohMatriix
      Trying to find evidence now.
      Jun 7, 2015