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  • Comments on Profile Post by Ponyknight99

    1. Discdog1000
      Actually, it's a pokemon fusion. It's Braixen and Amaura.
      Also known as Braixaura :T
      Jun 4, 2015
    2. Ponyknight99
      That not only makes me think of the fusions of dragon ball z. But I also hope you know when I said who's that Pokèmon, I was making a reference to the anime
      Jun 4, 2015
    3. Discdog1000
      Yes, I saw what you did there. xD
      Jun 4, 2015
    4. Ponyknight99
      ^-^ :3
      Jun 4, 2015
    5. mr rob
      mr rob
      Sounds like basura=trash
      Jun 11, 2015
    6. Ponyknight99
      Trash? Or Trubish? :P (yes that's a Pokèmon, gen 5)
      Jun 11, 2015
    7. mr rob
      mr rob
      I'm saying the name sounds like basura not saying the pokèmon is trash.
      Jun 11, 2015
    8. Ponyknight99
      Oh :P
      Jun 11, 2015