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  • Comments on Profile Post by Flarey

    1. SSMH
      Knew it wasn't you. The guy was calling others 'scrubs', not your usual Flarey behaviour.
      May 29, 2015
    2. Flarey
      You actually telling the truth? That sucks hugely. :I
      May 29, 2015
    3. Flarey
      If you see them, could you ask them who hey are, also are they a god?
      May 29, 2015
    4. SSMH
      Thank god he does not. Oh yeah, when I asked him where was his god rank(didn't know at first), he said he emailed support about it.
      May 29, 2015
    5. Flarey
      Wow. I found who it is. _420BlazeIt_, I've heard of it and I think I know who it is...
      May 30, 2015
    6. SSMH
      thorraks all the way. :p
      May 31, 2015