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  • Comments on Profile Post by Kyaaaal

    1. TheLOLxd2
      A friend of me plays it... Ever seen someone called like "Thevelociraptor" in the top 10?
      May 29, 2015
    2. Kyaaaal
      I have not, it's always someone called like "I win" "Nazi" "Earth" something like that.
      May 29, 2015
    3. Zambiana
      I decimate nerds in that game.
      May 29, 2015
    4. Lord Jaraxxus
      Lord Jaraxxus
      it's the game with the best names I've ever seen...
      May 29, 2015
    5. Kyaaaal
      Best names, best game.
      May 29, 2015
    6. TheLOLxd2
      Yea... Nazi is allways in the top 10... -.-
      May 29, 2015
    7. Kyaaaal
      I just put my name to Scotland so I can have the flag as my skin.
      May 29, 2015
    8. _WhiteRose_
      I can't believe you said that that stupid game is better than Club Penguin. Kyle we need to have a serious talk
      May 31, 2015
    9. Zambiana
      I don't wanna be rude, but no one cares what someone who grabs pictures from Google Images says.
      May 31, 2015
    10. _WhiteRose_
      You don't even know the story so kindly shut up
      May 31, 2015
    11. Zambiana
      You cannot be serious, you have no story the point is you googled 'scene girls' and took a picture and claimed it as it being you.
      May 31, 2015
    12. _WhiteRose_
      Ah, this is fun
      May 31, 2015
    13. _WhiteRose_
      Still don't know the story
      May 31, 2015
    14. Zambiana
      Fun being caught out? Or fun pretending to be a female to garnish free pixel items because you clearly live a sheltered and miserable life.

      Say the word and I'll demolish your , it'll take a whole three seconds.
      May 31, 2015
    15. _WhiteRose_
      Dang, you're mad over something that doesn't even involve you
      May 31, 2015
    16. Zambiana
      Care to admit that, that isn't you in the avatar? :D

      I'm not even mad or salty, I enjoy this, way to much that it should be a sin.
      May 31, 2015
    17. _WhiteRose_
      Yeah, it's not me in my avatar. I admit it, but you don't know the story. So you can add me in a convo if you'd like to know it
      May 31, 2015
    18. Zambiana
      You saved me two minutes from making a thread, godbless. I don't care for your story, as far as i care you're acting like a female on the internet and taking advantage of young males for free items.

      That's pathetic, at least change your gender or something.
      May 31, 2015
    19. _WhiteRose_
      Ugh. You're so difficult
      May 31, 2015
    20. Zambiana
      I'm not difficult, you're just clearly mad I figured you out. I don't know what you expected, taking a popular scene girl and using it as an avatar.
      May 31, 2015
    21. _WhiteRose_
      I was just commenting on my friends post.
      May 31, 2015
    22. _WhiteRose_
      And again, you don't know the story
      May 31, 2015
    23. Zambiana
      A friendship that was base don lies, did you tell him that wasn't you and that you're a male? Or does he seem to think you're a female?
      May 31, 2015
    24. _WhiteRose_
      Omg, I was just saying Club Penguin is better and now you're changing the subject so much
      May 31, 2015
    25. Zambiana
      I like demolishing liars, makes me happy.
      May 31, 2015
    26. _WhiteRose_
      May 31, 2015
    27. Zambiana
      Still lying I see Caitlyn is it? What an odd name for a male.
      May 31, 2015
    28. _WhiteRose_
      Ok. Keep ranting about it
      May 31, 2015
    29. Zambiana
      I'm not even ranting, I'm saddened you lied to people and exploited them.
      May 31, 2015
    30. Kyaaaal
      Zambiana, I'm going to tell you to kindly leave, as your opinion is both false and invalid. As Caitlyn stated, it's not her. I know it's not her, so does she. She also never claimed it to be her? Where did you make up that lie?
      May 31, 2015
    31. Zambiana
      It's called an avatar, generally when you use another human you claim to be them. I don't understand why you stick up for a liar, but alright lmao. I could throw $20 on the fact it's a male, as are most 'females' who use scene girls on gaming forums.
      May 31, 2015
    32. _WhiteRose_
      Well I just like scene girls, tbh
      May 31, 2015
    33. _WhiteRose_
      Doesn't mean I'm a guy
      May 31, 2015
    34. Kyaaaal
      Zambiana, you owe me $20 then. Good bet, bad gamble. I know who she is, I know she is female. The story behind the picture is none of your business. I want you to leave now.
      May 31, 2015
    35. Zambiana
      Are you a lesbian?
      May 31, 2015
    36. Kyaaaal
      Aimed at?
      May 31, 2015
    37. _WhiteRose_
      What's wrong with being a lesbo?
      May 31, 2015
    38. Lord Jaraxxus
      Lord Jaraxxus
      31 alerts from this ...
      May 31, 2015
    39. Kyaaaal
      It could have went on longer, but I wasn't having it.
      May 31, 2015
    40. TheLOLxd2
      The "spam" in my status refers to the 11 Alerts I got from this gg (Ik not much, but it managed to Alert every time)
      May 31, 2015
    41. Kyaaaal
      Sorry, she was in the wrong.
      May 31, 2015