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  • Comments on Profile Post by iKoN_Jelly

    1. Grays0n
      What's your budget?
      May 28, 2015
    2. iKoN_Jelly
      Somewhere between 1-1.2k hopefully
      May 28, 2015
    3. iKoN_Jelly
      I'm hoping for 4k, but that is a lot for a 1.2k budget...
      May 28, 2015
    4. Grays0n
      May 28, 2015
    5. Grays0n
      You're not going to get 4k with 1.2k, unfortunately. :((
      May 28, 2015
    6. iKoN_Jelly
      Didn't think so, but I did find some relatively cheap dual graphics cards that would run it that go for about $350, so if i could buy a monster and make the computer beefy enough to register it, than I think I might be able to fit it within 2 or 3 hundred over my budget.
      May 28, 2015
    7. iKoN_Jelly
      May 28, 2015
    8. iKoN_Jelly
      Thx btw for the build, although I do have a spare DVD drive, so I'll take that off, and add more to the ram, hopefully at least 16gigs, although then it would be at the max of my budget.
      May 28, 2015
    9. iKoN_Jelly
      http://pcpartpicker.com/p/cCgpLk @SanityPrevails this is my custom one, trying to decide between yours, which will perform well (thanks for that btw) for $200 less, or mine which has my dream graphics card (unless you count the $2,000 one but i cant afford that) but is $200 more.
      May 29, 2015
    10. iKoN_Jelly
      May 29, 2015
    11. Grays0n
      Personally, I wouldn't go for AMD. I've always had a bad experience with them.
      May 29, 2015
    12. iKoN_Jelly
      Oh.. I got a good review from a friend, so now I'm torn, plus I set up the rest of the build using that... So compatibility will be screwed up.
      May 29, 2015
    13. Grays0n
      You might have a better experience, just make sure you're doing your research.

      I don't want you buying a faulty build, I know what it feels like.
      It sucks.
      May 29, 2015
    14. iKoN_Jelly
      I might try your build, and see if it is compatible with my graphics card.
      May 30, 2015