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  • Comments on Profile Post by ZeldaNinja

    1. Linux
      May 26, 2015
    2. Max
      Ugh. It happened again?
      May 26, 2015
    3. Linux
      Ya know, I actually thought it was a good community. Then something like this happens. Shows what it has turned into.
      May 26, 2015
    4. ZeldaNinja
      I think some one glitched in TNT at spawn... idk
      May 26, 2015
    5. Linux
      zeldan, I will PM you how they did it in the morning. Even I know the trick, but I know better.
      May 26, 2015
    6. xTechnoSkillz(1)
      I know it too... It wasnt TNT, it was the powerfull thing ever... Black hole and Singularity, I make a gap too, a small one, a Singularity (Not big) I were buying Pearls and bought a Singularity too, becuz my mouse had auto click,and than i did the glitch, Got a lag spike and auto click and BOOM gap....
      May 26, 2015