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  • Comments on Profile Post by PayUp

    1. Bantz
      woah, congratulations
      May 25, 2015
    2. PayUp
      Thanks!! Can't wait till well-known member!! N.n
      May 25, 2015
    3. PayUp
      Btw, I'll be on KitPvP with you in 40, also, I died yesterday to 3 trigger bots and my helm broke ;-;, I need a set from you #RIP
      May 25, 2015
    4. Bantz
      ;P I died yesterday too, got trapped by joelyou xD
      I only got p4 u3 in my echest :P Use p4 u3 from yours..
      May 25, 2015
    5. Bantz
      I wasted 100 lvls and $500 trying to enchant a p4 u3 set... Didn't go so wel l XD
      May 25, 2015
    6. PayUp
      GG I lost a u3 set with smite v sharp v! And I lost a load of regents an pearls
      May 25, 2015
    7. Bantz
      unlucky m8
      May 25, 2015