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  • Comments on Profile Post by Yin

    1. jarroy
      And why do you have to continuously brag whenever you make a record of jailing? It's annoying
      May 9, 2014
    2. Yin
      I don't intend to brag, It's my mistake, I find some of my things I say stupid, making me stupid, I know I'm the biggest idiot in all of Mineverse, no need to annotate me on that.
      May 9, 2014
    3. chengj6MC
      May 9, 2014
    4. jarroy
      Well then you have mal interpreted intentions
      May 9, 2014
    5. chengj6MC
      May 9, 2014
    6. Yin
      Jarroy, I respect that.

      Cheng, please stop saying the same message, and express yourself more elaborately?
      May 9, 2014