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  • Comments on Profile Post by Sanity

    1. Majorminor15
      I'm here for you, babe! <3 ;-;
      May 25, 2015
    2. Glaadiator
      her loss, not yours!
      May 25, 2015
    3. Valor
      Been there mayne.
      PM me if you need help
      May 25, 2015
    4. Sanity
      It's a lot deeper than it seems. Thank you Glaad, Mega & Major.
      May 25, 2015
    5. Amaya
      Awe. I'm sorry to hear that. I'm always here for you.
      May 25, 2015
    6. Ares_Xena
      You obviously feel betrayed, hurt, confused, angry. It's only natural to have that feeling. Had that personal experience. You're gonna hate her for a while. Trust me. Just don't give up. This isn't the end. You aren't a terrible guy. She found love somewhere else. That's her problem.
      May 25, 2015
    7. Ares_Xena
      Just remember who you are. Don't let somebody stand in your way. After only a few days -- she'll be a memory in the back of your mind. And your relationship a story in a sealed book. (God, I'm a writer or something). It's gonna hurt for a while. Hold you back for a while. Things such as ''it's all my fault'' will run through your mind.
      May 25, 2015
    8. Ares_Xena
      You probably won't believe me...but it isn't your fault. You will realize that after a while.
      May 25, 2015
    9. nataliee
      I feel you. PM me if you need help, here for you even though idk you cx :) <3
      May 25, 2015
    10. Sanity
      Thanks Ares, Some and yaya. Ares, you think
      I should end it all?
      May 25, 2015
    11. Ares_Xena
      End what? The relationship? Yes.
      Yourself? No. I need mah Viper.
      May 25, 2015
    12. Sanity
      Aww, thanks.
      I made a decision, we aren't dating. We are gonna work up from where we are now. Stay friends.
      May 25, 2015
    13. nataliee
      May 25, 2015
    14. Amaya
      I think you made the right decision, You seem like a wonderful guy.
      May 25, 2015
    15. Sanity
      Thank you, I really appreciate it.
      May 25, 2015
    16. nataliee
      feel better
      May 25, 2015
    17. Bombmasaur
      Yea, yea, sure.

      Jk... don't kill me plz
      May 25, 2015