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  • Comments on Profile Post by PayUp

    1. Bantz
      What's up?
      May 25, 2015
    2. PayUp
      Greg__ said when he asked you how I act and how I am you said I am an a$$.
      May 25, 2015
    3. Bantz
      No i didn't... Me and Greg were skyping yesterday playing some kit and op, I never said anything about u
      May 25, 2015
    4. PayUp
      Read the post on our OpPvP clan.
      May 25, 2015
    5. Bantz
      I see, but i never called u one... I swear. I wouldn't lie to a friend I've known since October
      May 25, 2015
    6. Realizinq
      Yeah sure, please tell me when you said "Wario could be an sometime"
      May 25, 2015
    7. Realizinq
      Well, Bantz never said you're an , but he said sometines you act like an . He said it when you applied the first time, not yesterday
      May 25, 2015
    8. PayUp
      It's all good, bantz can be annoying af sometimes but we just joke around as friends XD!
      May 25, 2015