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  • Comments on Profile Post by GizzBots

    1. GizzBots
      This isn't just. This is why I request and put messages in certain reports about players because I KNOW the community, I know what goes on and I know what can and should be done about this. Please, at least pay attention to who you are banning and research into their histories before carelessly banning & unbanning them.
      May 23, 2015
    2. Bantz
      Thanks man :)
      May 23, 2015
    3. Savvy
      Thank you for coming to me. I understand your point. If you would like to discuss this further, please pm me at any time.
      May 23, 2015
    4. Bantz
      Can you handle my ban appeal? Since Paradox is not gonna be online for 2 weeks.
      May 23, 2015
    5. Savvy
      May 23, 2015
    6. Bantz
      can you handle it like now xD
      May 23, 2015