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  • Comments on Profile Post by GizzBots

    1. Blocky
      I left a bit of time ago. I just log onto the forums sometimes. I have other things In real life. I'm trying to get in Advanced Maths next year so I have to get good marks in the exam. Also minecraft doesn't appeal to me anymore. :< Imma make youtube videos soon though. :> Minecraft is pretty boring :L
      May 22, 2015
    2. GizzBots
      :c I'm sorry to hear that... You still shouldn't giveaway your account as you're not guaranteed to get it back. Just keep it, and GL on getting into Advanced Maths :)
      May 22, 2015
    3. Blocky
      Ty :3 I can get it back. Trussssssssstt meeeeeeeeee. c: Because I can change passwords just in-case. And anyway I don't really need it anymore. I would sell it but its not allowed by Mojang :L
      May 22, 2015
    4. GizzBots
      Sad to hear that blocky, you were a good guy :c
      May 22, 2015
    5. Blocky
      Thanks c: I'll still be on forums just not as much.
      May 22, 2015
    6. Blocky
      There really isn't too much point in me staying here too long. I can't even post ratings because I disliked one of Cyp's posts..
      May 22, 2015