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  • Comments on Profile Post by PayUp

    1. PayUp
      Not even a reply, ;-;.
      May 20, 2015
    2. Quad
      May 20, 2015
    3. PayUp
      I'm saying that I'm glad to see you being nicer and a cool guy. I also hope to one day earn your support on my app. Also, i accept your apology on that thread. It's very nice to see you change for the better.
      May 20, 2015
    4. Quad
      May 20, 2015
    5. PayUp
      Im actually just surprised quad. I remember when we used to Skype, but then you untamed me :(. I hope we will be team soon and be friends. And i hope i can earn your support quad. Thank you for being the kind guy i always knew you could be quad. :)!!
      May 20, 2015
    6. Quad
      May 20, 2015
    7. PayUp
      Im gonna take that as a yes. :) See you around kitpvp quad! btw heads up, Dsouth ddosses he dosed me and @KlutzyGiant4 today at the same time, luckily my friend got all my stuff. I got added to a call for fun, and he got my Skype.... RIP Wario957
      May 20, 2015
    8. Quad

      Dsouth is a sore loser. Buy a VPN
      May 20, 2015
    9. PayUp
      I dont wanna pay for one though, besides my ping is already terrible.... ;-;.
      May 20, 2015
    10. BlueCharmander12
      Dsouth ddoses, but he uses a crappy stresser... And you can't get payback on him because he bought protection. He can't ddos for his life though, just make you lag for a bit, and his stresser has a cooldown... So if he's on and you see him just flee, and if you lag you can have the okay that he probably won't ddos you for another 15 minutes.
      May 20, 2015
    11. PayUp
      ^ thanks, but I lagged out and couldn't join again for an hour, maybe he got an upgrade?
      May 20, 2015
    12. BlueCharmander12
      I don't know if he did, but I know he uses a free online stresser. Maybe it was just your internet at the time, but I can't be sure of that.
      May 20, 2015
    13. Jai
      I have his skype. He got my skype and has ddosed me twice, I had the best armor on.
      May 21, 2015
    14. KlutzyGiant4
      When dsouth ddoss he kicks himself off to.
      May 21, 2015
    15. PayUp
      He did when he dossed you and me klutzy.
      May 21, 2015
    16. KlutzyGiant4
      I know who send him the engine to ddoss people.
      May 21, 2015
    17. PayUp
      May 21, 2015
    18. Exy
      Dsouth uses an IP stresser and his protection is a skype proxy what GUI Booter will beat I heard about him keep your skype safe buy a vpn a none lagging one or take further actions and call cops of you want to but just pm me if you need my help with anything else about Dsouth and I'll do my best to help.
      May 25, 2015
    19. GizzBots
      ^^ don't call the cops. Not a good idea, lol.
      May 26, 2015
    20. Camel_EXE
      who is Dsouth???
      Jun 7, 2015
    21. GizzBots
      Tbh I don't know. He came out of no where, got basically instantly 'rich' and started fighting like this.. :c
      Jun 8, 2015
    22. GizzBots
      He's also known as Hosselaar btw.
      Jun 8, 2015
    23. Camel_EXE
      Pm me Gizz
      Jun 8, 2015