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  • Comments on Profile Post by Ryanrr1134

    1. Kurumi__Tokisaki
      skype was manly for my brother cuz he still in Japan and it the only socal network he uses. and no problem ^-^
      May 19, 2015
    2. Kurumi__Tokisaki
      but do you have anime amino?
      May 19, 2015
    3. Ryanrr1134
      No I do not have an anime amino. Most people around where I live aren't that into anime and I'd see no use for it. I'll get one possibly, as it seems interesting. And by the way, I don't use skype for video chatting, more of voice only, as a way to have effortless conversation.
      May 19, 2015
    4. Kurumi__Tokisaki
      okay and anime amino is an app its like Facebook and twitter but for anime fans
      May 19, 2015