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  • Comments on Profile Post by Scorv

    1. Kyaaaal
      Wouldn't surprise me, you would be a very good moderator in my opinion.
      May 16, 2015
    2. Scorv
      Aww, Thanks <3

      *Says under breath* Now where is the "Like Comment" Button
      May 16, 2015
    3. Kyaaaal
      I know you are waiting for your stuff to end, so you can become more active. When that time happens, I assure you, your username will be blue!
      May 16, 2015
    4. Scorv
      <3<3<3That would be fine day, a GREAT day.

      And I let you know when I'm about to re-open my application. But there are many changes I wish to make to my application though
      May 16, 2015
    5. Scorv
      May 16, 2015
    6. Kyaaaal
      Making changes to it will only make it better than it is, and it is, really good :)
      May 16, 2015
    7. Fire3213
      Good Luck
      May 16, 2015
    8. Scorv
      After looking at so many other application, I've learned more about making a good one. :^)

      And Thanks :^D
      May 16, 2015
    9. Fire3213
      If you happen to see my application, I would love suggestions.
      May 16, 2015
    10. Kyaaaal
      I'm thinking about updating mine too, could use a bit of a touch up.
      Fire, I guess I could check out yours, leave you some constructive criticism.
      May 16, 2015
    11. Scorv
      Will do ;^)
      May 16, 2015
    12. Fire3213
      May 16, 2015
    13. Fire3213
      Do you mid checking the post that you made about staff problems on OP PvP and OP Factions.
      May 16, 2015
    14. Kyaaaal
      Fire, would you mind sending me a pm with the link to it, I cannot find it.
      May 16, 2015
    15. Scorv
      MrPronounce your application is very detailed and appealing
      May 16, 2015
    16. Kyaaaal
      Thank you very much, I still feel the need to read over it again. Might not add more, might just check for some grammar and spelling mistakes.
      May 16, 2015
    17. Agent
      I've been asked if I was a mod or a retired one so many times. :p
      May 16, 2015
    18. Scorv
      Yeah. I once thought you were too.

      But now I know I was thinking about AgentAndroid :P
      May 16, 2015
    19. Agent
      Android was only active as a moderator for like a week, I was surprised it took so long for him to get demoted
      May 16, 2015
    20. Scorv
      Well I dont know what happened back then :P Back then I wasn't involved with the community. I became involved in December of 2014...I think
      May 16, 2015
    21. PayUp
      I had this too recently by a friend that I met c;.
      May 28, 2015