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  • Comments on Profile Post by Diamonds180

    1. Fire3213
      Tin15Cro resigned. I think topmas was banned, and Elric was demoted. =(
      May 16, 2015
    2. Diamonds180
      Yeah, they're all right.
      May 16, 2015
    3. Exy
      Probs next we might lose soul because people are complaining about his inactivity and inactive to ban appeals & reports and he apparently he tp people to opfacs bases its why if I was ever on and he was I wouldn't goto any of my bases.
      May 26, 2015
    4. Diamonds180
      Yeah ^ needs o be sorted.
      May 26, 2015
    5. Dark
      No, not soul pls
      Jun 8, 2015
    6. Diamonds180
      Drago, it may have to be.
      I'm not too keen on Soul anyway.
      Hasn't been on OP Facs since.... MONTHS.
      He was actually a single moderator there once, but he never goes there now.
      Jun 8, 2015
    7. Dark
      Mk :( It is what it is. Rules of MV I guess
      Jun 8, 2015