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  • Comments on Profile Post by KingAlex

    1. Kyaaaal
      That is sweet...I get to sleep with Gabby and get pizza. Life is good.
      May 16, 2015
    2. KingAlex
      LOL, Yeah it is. Only thing to make it better would be, to have a infinite amount of money, so you dont have to work again.
      May 16, 2015
    3. Kyaaaal
      That would basically be the best thing ever...Life just annoys me. Knowing that people can have those things, but I can't. People say dream big, but I really can't. Although, sometimes I do try.
      May 16, 2015
    4. KingAlex
      Never say never, Work hard, dream hard and You'll get there.
      May 16, 2015
    5. Kyaaaal
      I guess I dream big, because I am lazy? If that makes sense. It's quite selfish of me. I just want money, but not to work for it. I guess I need to change that attitude. Life will be difficult at first, but if I manage to do what I really want to. It won't be too bad.
      May 16, 2015