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  • Comments on Profile Post by GizzBots

    1. Kyaaaal
      Brother and Nephew? Same person? I think not. Don't see how he isn't already banned, due to him scamming.
      May 15, 2015
    2. Fuse
      What's next? Husband?
      May 15, 2015
    3. GizzBots
      He lies wayyy too much. That just makes me think even more that he is MrTimmy. Heck, on KitPvP he auctions stuff from MrTimmy and bids high from his main. @Bantz
      May 15, 2015
    4. Bantz
      ^ all day everyday
      May 15, 2015
    5. Hosselaar
      they play both on mrtimmy my brother is 12years old and nephew 6 years old .. but even if it ''was'' my alt whats your problem? ...
      May 15, 2015
    6. Bantz
      so a 6 year old can spell and learns how to do /bid and /auction
      May 15, 2015
    7. Hosselaar
      nope the 12 years old knows.
      May 15, 2015
    8. Kyaaaal
      Your excuses are out of this world mate. Your 6 year old nephew playing KitPvP and actually killing people? I highly doubt that. Even if I'm being ageist.
      May 15, 2015
    9. Hosselaar
      My 6 years old nephew playstation skybock and 12 years old kitpvp - GAME OVER
      May 15, 2015
    10. Kyaaaal
      May 15, 2015
    11. GizzBots
      Hosselaar. You're a liar and you've been caught. Yesterday you were auctioning on MrTimmy and then bidding high on your main. Obvious alts. As well as this, I thought that you weren't the same because MrTimmy could spell properly.
      May 15, 2015
    12. GizzBots
      And then you msged me on DSouth with proper grammar. Lol.
      May 15, 2015
    13. Hosselaar
      ~~ secrets no one will know ~~ xxHossin
      May 16, 2015
    14. Kyaaaal
      Yeah, I believe he is lying.
      So, doesn't MrTimmy have a forums account? That's not allowed. Both accounts should be banned asap.
      May 16, 2015
    15. GizzBots
      ^ I think only one can be.
      May 16, 2015
    16. Hosselaar
    17. GizzBots
    18. Hosselaar
      They're ? u don't even know about who i am talking? i have more friends with Elite rank u noob. stop talking if u don't know anything NO-SUPPORT u don't deserve to be a mod NEVER.
      May 16, 2015
    19. GizzBots
      You've been searching for an upgrade for MrTimmy for a while now, lol.
      May 16, 2015
    20. Hosselaar
      Nahhh just stop talking u don't know anything. and if im mrtimmy please prove it.. if u don't have prove than don't talk... how you want become a moderator like this? shhhhhhhht just remove your mod apply
      May 16, 2015
    21. Snow
      Why did you link my rank upgrade thread? :P
      May 16, 2015
    22. GizzBots
      Hosselaar. You do understand that you're the one with the reputation for lying and scamming? People know you for that. You do realise there is nothing wrong with making accusations, which is what I am doing. Stop lying, people don't like liars. Perhaps it's best if you just stay away from me and stop posting on my stuff, yeh?
      May 16, 2015
    23. Hosselaar
      nah i won't stop .. u started with this war not me. and i won't stop til u give me right and say sorry.

      im out bye nuubie
      May 16, 2015
    24. Fuse
      Did he just admit he was lying....
      May 16, 2015
    25. GizzBots
      Yeah, lol.
      May 17, 2015
    26. Hosselaar
      Lol I mean that I won't stop posting on his stuff
      May 17, 2015
    27. GizzBots
      In that case you are intentionally starting flame wars regardless of the fact that you've been asked to stop.
      May 17, 2015
    28. Agent
      On a thread you said Timmy was your cousin.. Now he's your brother?
      May 18, 2015
    29. Hosselaar
      Both of them plays on it ? Problem?
      May 18, 2015
    30. GizzBots
      Exactly my point.
      May 18, 2015
    31. Hosselaar
      Whats your problem ? Just leave me alone lol
      May 18, 2015