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  • Comments on Profile Post by Ponyknight99

    1. Speculations
      you're into 13 year old girls?
      May 13, 2015
    2. Ponyknight99
      At least I'm not like a lot of other people in this world. And it's not the age, it who she is.
      May 13, 2015
    3. Speculations
      Considering she is in middle school and you're in highschool? at this age it is weird.
      May 14, 2015
    4. Ponyknight99
      Don't call my girl ugly and I will.
      May 14, 2015
    5. Speculations
      she pretty ugly
      May 14, 2015
    6. Ponyknight99
      At least she shows her face.
      May 14, 2015
    7. Speculations
      It'd be better if she didn't
      May 14, 2015
    8. Ponyknight99
      Well that's your opinion. If you think you're such a looker, stop hiding behind a white space and show yourself.
      May 14, 2015
    9. Speculations
      May I ask what the hell is a "looker"?
      May 14, 2015
    10. Ponyknight99
      Wow, you don't even know what that means? Oi... What I said is "if you think you look so good..." A looker is someone that you (or someone else) think looks good. How do you not know that?
      May 14, 2015
    11. Speculations
      Because am smert c: And I don't think that is actually a term and I also don't think no one uses that while in a conversation. Should I post a picture of my ? I think that will look better then her? will I not be a "looker" then?
      May 14, 2015
    12. Ponyknight99
      Do as you please but I would never leave Taylor for someone like you, or anyone for that matter. And yes, looker IS a term, and I've seen it used before.
      May 14, 2015
    13. Speculations
      WAIT WHAT?!?! LOL am a boi also not gey ;-; and i doubt it!
      May 14, 2015
    14. Ponyknight99
      Your profile says you're a girl so if you really are straight I would suggest changing it. And, just because you haven't heard it before, doesn't mean it ain't real
      May 14, 2015
    15. Speculations
    16. Ponyknight99
      May want to watch the language. I'm not one for taking language lightly.
      May 14, 2015
    17. Speculations
      Lemme guess you go to church every sunday worshiping god c:?
      May 14, 2015
    18. Ponyknight99
      As a matter of fact, no. I've rather fallen away... But what I will say, is that though I fell away from that... Some things... Stuck with me... A sence of what's right and wrong was one thing.
      May 14, 2015
    19. Speculations
      You know what? I'm sorry.
      May 14, 2015
    20. Speculations
      Sorry that you have live with yourself. ;-; We are all not here for you if you need anything.
      May 14, 2015
    21. Ponyknight99
      I know my gf, and all my friends are. They've wanted to help before, and she's always wanting to help me whenever I'm down. This ain't a one way relationship you know. Just because you don't care doesn't mean nobody does, and to think nobody cares about me just because you don't is pretty self centered.
      May 14, 2015
    22. Speculations
      Of course your girlfriend is there for you! or whatever she is? little sister? yea little sister. Any whooo what else does she have to do instead of helping her big brother with his corrupted life.
      May 14, 2015
    23. Ponyknight99
      My life is corrupted? If you think YOUR life is perfect insulting others and trying to put them down (and it's really ineffective and pathetic) then it's not something that's wrong with me, but something that's wrong with your brain.
      May 14, 2015
    24. Ponyknight99
      Oh and btw, she is not my little sister. I only have one sister, and she's older than me so... Kindly leave both me and her alone.
      May 14, 2015
    25. Speculations
      then get off me wall ;-;
      May 14, 2015
    26. Ponyknight99
      I wouldn't be here if you didn't insult my girlfriend.
      May 14, 2015
    27. Xāñíā
      I LOVE U ICANTPVPHD THIS POST JUST LMAO. Pony seriously. First don't get an attitude. Second Taylor is what in MIDDLE SCHOOL. And you're in HighSchool. Is it not the SLIGHTEST BIT SAD FOR YOU WHEN ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS ARE MAKING OUT IN THE HALLWAYS WHEN YOURE DATING A MIDDLESCHOOLER. She does look like a squid TBH. Or a rounded potato. IDK. She looks a hell of a lot better than you.
      May 31, 2015
    28. Ponyknight99
      Listen, I can't help it she's perfect for me. And I don't even go to a high school.
      May 31, 2015
    29. Xāñíā
      lol k
      May 31, 2015
    30. Ponyknight99
      And I also got out of school soon after the beginning of May
      May 31, 2015
    31. Xāñíā
      May 31, 2015
    32. Khortex
      I just read this, this is hilarious
      Jun 3, 2015
    33. Exy
      I still laugh reading this.
      Jul 28, 2015
    34. TADS
      brb dying
      Jan 6, 2016