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  • Comments on Profile Post by Hosselaar

    1. GizzBots
      That isn't one of my videos?
      May 13, 2015
    2. Hosselaar
      ''BestPvPer'' ur video's are so bad.... and most of it are so false watch youtube tutorials what kill aura is before you report people
      May 13, 2015
    3. GizzBots
      BestPvPer is PPUNCH301. He's been banned like 4 times now for aura. Look it up pal, and he was doing that with 3 bars. Just stop msging me, I don't care what YOU have to say.
      May 13, 2015
    4. GizzBots
      And you say he doesn't hack? My video not only shows hacks, but your friend who 'doesn't hack' also 'recorded me' apparently 'hacking' - check out this fake hacker on metro: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HNxGM1saxb8
      May 13, 2015
    5. Hosselaar
      Oke he got banned 4 times? so what, does that mean he hacks on every fight? doing it with 3 bars? DUDE i can fight also with 3 bars like that, and i wil stop msg you if you stop reporting incorrectly do you know how it feels when you get incorrectly banned? no cuz u don't give a about other people who u hate.

      May 13, 2015
    6. Hosselaar
      don't be a kid, but your friend also recorded me DUDE how old are you. its about u got him false banned.
      May 13, 2015
    7. GizzBots
      I don't hate anyone? It's not a personal thing, I see hacks, I record. Explain to me why my reports get accepted if it's 'not hacks'. You're being bias. Explanation pls: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HNxGM1saxb8
      May 13, 2015
    8. GizzBots
      I'm 15? What does that have to do with anything? Lmao. You're just mad because a 'friend' got banned. He's got a rep. If he doesn't hack why did he use fake hacker on metro 3 days ago?
      May 13, 2015
    9. Hosselaar
      I'm not mad, i just hate it when u report people false LIKE u did by. just stop reporting people false. i gtg
      May 13, 2015
    10. GizzBots
      May 13, 2015
    11. Hosselaar
      Why do i need to explain that? where are you talking about dude. its about BestPvPEr got banned i dont care who is recording u or reporting you. i care about that you report false.

      10-1 Hossin.
      May 13, 2015
    12. GizzBots
      BestPvPer recorded that. Lol. On his metro client.
      May 13, 2015
    13. Hosselaar
      So? he wasn't using it in PvP look your video again you reorted him 0% hacks? i got also hack clients but im not using them so whats your problem.

      May 13, 2015
    14. GizzBots
      That video is proof that he hacks. He was on the server using a mod on the hacks that ARENT ALLOWED. smh. You're like talking to a brick wall.
      May 13, 2015
    15. ohMatriix
      One of my favourite sayings. " You are like talking to a brick wall. "
      May 17, 2015