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  • Comments on Profile Post by PayUp

    1. Savvy
      Of course! I think you'd make a good moderator. <3
      May 7, 2015
    2. PayUp
      Thanks so much! Even though you didn't post a support, I'm guessing you read my long app. But I'll take this as a support! ;) thank you savvy for those kind words. I hope to work with you on kitpvp one day. <3!
      May 7, 2015
    3. Savvy
      May 7, 2015
    4. PayUp
      If you're not gonna post your support, can I take a pic of what you said and put it on my app?
      May 7, 2015
    5. Savvy
      By all means.
      May 7, 2015