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  • Comments on Profile Post by ReCreateThis

    1. Ponyknight99
      Hope the diamond doesn't mind when I mine it! :3
      May 1, 2015
    2. ReCreateThis
      So I break through the rock.
      Cut through block after block
      And I finally find what I'm destined to mine
      I raise up my pickaxing arm one more time
      As soon as I make sure it's cool with the diamond
      May 1, 2015
    3. ReCreateThis
      Diamond, would you mind if I mined you?
      Answer me or I'll think you don't mind my pickaxe cutting through you.
      May 1, 2015
    4. ReCreateThis
      I hear no objections, time to get to mining, mining, I mine the diamond.
      Mining, mining, I mine the diamond.
      Mining, mini....
      AAHHHH. My pickaxe broke. No Matter i'll mine the diamond with my hand my hand
      May 1, 2015
    5. Ponyknight99
      Diamond, would you mind if mined you?
      Diamond! Answer me or I'll think you don't mind my pickaxe running through you!
      I hear no objection time to get to minin', minin' I mine the diamond!
      May 1, 2015
    6. ReCreateThis
      i'll mine the diamond with my hand my hand i'll mine the diamond with my hand MY HAND I'LL MINE THE DIAMOND WITH MY HANDS
      Dude, you can't mine diamond with your hand it.
      Yeah we'll se about that, Gyah Gyah gyah, WHERE'D IT GO

      You have to use a pickaxe or it disappears,
      OH NOO, now I have to find another one DX
      May 1, 2015
    7. Ponyknight99
      Did you can't mine diamond with your hands.
      May 1, 2015
    8. ReCreateThis
      Wow almost complete lyrics
      May 1, 2015
    9. Ponyknight99
      Da-da-do-do-do-do-do-do-do subscribe
      May 1, 2015
    10. Ponyknight99
      Yeah pretty much. I listened to that SO many times when I first heard it :P
      May 1, 2015
    11. ReCreateThis
      yeah same here
      May 1, 2015