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  • Comments on Profile Post by Fire3213

    1. ScoFu13
      Adding a poll does nothing for your chances.
      Apr 27, 2015
    2. Fire3213
      I understand but I would like to know the percentages of who would like me as a staff member.
      Apr 27, 2015
    3. ScoFu13
      Those that comment "support" would be the ones who think you would.

      Those that comment "no support" think you wouldn't. Those that don't comment and dont read it, don't care.
      Apr 27, 2015
    4. Fire3213
      I know that but thanks for the comment. I would just rather having it up for anyone to see. Can you please tell me how to do it?
      Apr 27, 2015
    5. ScoFu13
      I have no idea, never had a reason to add a poll to anything as I do not see the point. Sorry, maybe Google it.
      Apr 27, 2015
    6. Fire3213
      Thanks for the comment. Thanks for the advice as well. Happy Gaming!
      Apr 28, 2015