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  • Comments on Profile Post by ReignOfire

    1. zinncraft
      If you arent allowed back, I am quitting this server for good. The staff needs a lot of work and they dont seem interested in improving.
      Apr 25, 2015
    2. ReignOfire
      I'm still awaiting a response. And Elrich was also antagonizing me on my thread to the moderator, saying I scammed him and to admit it, that 's the fasted way to get unbanned. Whatever! He knows I didn't scam him, he set me up! That's why he was in our base, trying to raid it with UncleUrnesto and them, when I was banned. During the raid. He has been banned several times for what he has blamed me for.
      Apr 25, 2015
    3. ReignOfire
      This is absolutely ridiculous! I will never help anyone that needs me to fix their stuff outside of the faction ever again!
      Apr 25, 2015
    4. ReignOfire
      And Like I'm going to throw my real money out the door, for 2k in game money? That's idiotic! We make more money than that just by creating stuff ourselves!
      Apr 25, 2015
    5. zinncraft
      I really cant believe this. He is a known troubkemaker and yet theyre taking his word over yours? Theres some serious issues here...
      Apr 26, 2015
    6. ReignOfire
      I just stated that to them, that he has been banned several times, and how can they take a cheaters words over someone who has never been banned before? The mod has not responded to me. if you go on my channel, you'll see what I said in my ban appeal.
      Apr 26, 2015
    7. ReignOfire
    8. zinncraft
      Eh it says i do not have permission to view it... sec
      Apr 26, 2015
    9. ReignOfire
      Ok. But I wonder when this mod is going to respond to me? I think this is ridiculous to be banned for this anyway! This guy is a cheater! They should have a rule with people who have been banned for cheating. 3 strikes your out!
      Apr 26, 2015
    10. ReignOfire
      It's been going on 3 nights now. She also banned my other character completely from the entire server. The same Moderator.
      Apr 26, 2015