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  • Comments on Profile Post by Herf

    1. GizzBots
      That's not talking trash. It's called defending yourself. It's funny how you talk about talking trash then do it on my profile. Hypocrite?
      Apr 25, 2015
    2. Herf
      I never said i dont talk trash lol I talk ALOT of trash and i dont mind people telling me anything for talking trash but its kinda funny how you "Talk trash" To someone whos Pretty Respected by the community And still have a Mod app kinda sad You might as well close ur App now cus you're not getting mod any time soon with that atitude. Yw Bic boi
      Apr 25, 2015
    3. GizzBots
      You're funny. I love it how you hate me because I got you banned yet you don't realise that I keep a lot of actual hackers off kitpvp. I've recently stopped recording because ppl like you have the hide to talk trash.
      Apr 26, 2015
    4. GizzBots
      Also, if you actually look, he came and started it. Not me. I made a harmless thread and he made me look like I was insulting ppl.
      Apr 26, 2015
    5. Herf
      Mhm Poor you keep crying bby And i could care less about people baning me for skill shows that you dont know what Actual skill is :P
      Apr 26, 2015
    6. GizzBots
      Lmao I dare you to try and write on a resume that you have 'skills' in minecraft pvp. It'll get you no where buddy. Hahaha.
      Apr 26, 2015
    7. ZeldaNinja
      looool "I talk ALOT of trash " that just proves that things you say are somewhat illegitimate.
      Apr 28, 2015
    8. GizzBots
      Meh, let's leave him be. This is just one of his trash talking comments which didn't go his way. c:
      Apr 28, 2015