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  • Comments on Profile Post by ImTopmass

    1. TheOnionWarrior
      Gratz, and sorry. I'm an indie folk revival fan :P.
      Apr 25, 2015
    2. ImTopmass
      It's alright with me.
      Apr 25, 2015
    3. TheSugarCane
      Electro, huh? I have a whole playlist of that. Tristam & Braken - Far Away, Insan3Lik3 - The Other Day, Pegboard Nerds - Disconnected, Insan3Lik3 - Bad Pitched, Pegboard Nerds - Emergency. They're just a few I could think of. I love all of them. xD
      Apr 25, 2015
    4. ImTopmass
      Oooooo tytytytyyytytyyyyy
      Apr 28, 2015