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  • Comments on Profile Post by Bantz

    1. PayUp
      You leaving?
      Apr 23, 2015
    2. Bantz
      meh, I play less now. I use to get a solid 4 bars now I get 3 bars. The community is actually disgusting apart from some certain people, I play A LOT less then I use to. I only play on weekends because that's when all the hype comes into KitPvP unless I'm getting DDoS'd
      Apr 23, 2015
    3. SSMH
      Apr 23, 2015
    4. Bantz
      hey ho, I still play KitPvP with my fellow friends
      Apr 23, 2015
    5. mattenphew
      Lol rachet, I don't really play mc anymore.
      Apr 23, 2015